Acupuncture treatment is helpful for sinusitis
Nasosinusitis is characterized by the production of profuse, thick and fishy smelling nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, and loss of smell. The more severe condition is called "the Leaking Brain". It is usually seen in acute and chronic rhinitis, acute and chronic nasosinusitis, and accessory nasosinusitis.
Nasosinusitis is usually caused by wind-heat or heat transformed from wind-cold, causing the malfunction of downward movement of the lung-qi, and reverse movement of the retained evil interfering with the upper clear orifice resulting in nasal obstruction and a thick nasal discharge. When the wind is resolved, the remaining heat transforms the body fluid into a thick dischargewhich in tum blocks the nasal orifices, hence nasosinusitis results.
Acupuncture is effective on treating sinusitis. Usually the following common points are punched by fine needles: Lieque (LU 7), Hegu (LI 4), Yingxiang (LI 20), Yintang (EXHN3), and Shangxing (GV 23). Some other points may be used based on the condition.
In TG Wellness Clinic, acupuncture clinic in Mississauga, additional Liu’s Scalp Acupuncture technique and Navel Acupuncture is used to achieve great effect on sinusitis symptoms such as nasal congestion and headache.